Delphine Anderson Squires
Birth: January 8, 1868 Portage City, Wisconsin
Death: November 21, 1961 Las Vegas, Nevada
Role in Women’s Suffrage: Chair of the Mesquite Club 1912-1914, Chair of the Nevada Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1914-1915
HerStory: Delphine Anderson was planning on being a music teacher in Seattle, Wash., but instead she married Charles Pember Squires in 1899 and moved to California. Charles Squires moved to Las Vegas, Nev. in 1905 and Delphine and their four children soon joined him. Finding Las Vegas a desert in culture, Delphine soon became active in civil and social groups. In 1907 she helped establish a branch of the Congress of Mothers, the precursor to the Parent Teachers Association. She was a founding member of the Mesquite Club and its second president. She also became active in the Nevada Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The Mesquite Club hosted a suffrage talk by author and social activist, Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1912. The Mesquite Club also aided the Nevada Equal Franchise Society in gaining the right to vote.Delphine wrote articles on Nevada history for The Las Vegas Age, of which her husband was publisher and editor.